Wednesday, 25 November 2015

How libraries use social media

Social Media can be a great platform for bringing together people who share a common interest. Libraries can and are using social media extensively via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc to promote themselves and publicise events.

The National Library of Australia's Facebook page has over 18,778 likes.

Melbourne Library has 4,332 followers on Twitter


the Geelong Regional Library has 15 boards and 247 followers on Pinterest.

Facebook and the Library    

Libraries are embracing Facebook as a great way to communicate with their patrons. Facebook is easy to use and is cost effective. Check out what 100 libraries are doing on Facebook.

Scoop IT in the Library.

Academic staff within the Business & Law faculties at Deakin University have found that using Scoop It for alerts for resources for teaching and researching has been quite successful.
The Scoop It platform was found to be easy to navigate and use and is visually pleasing which increased the interest of the staff.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Copyright and social media

The popularity and use of social media networks just keeps growing and growing and information is passed on with the speed of light. With the fast pace sharing of news and information are we unwittingly and unknowingly  violating copyright laws.

Social Media platforms encourage the sharing of our own and others people's material (copyrighted material included)and  it would be easy to unwittingly violate copyright laws. What constitutes fair usage for the average social media user and when does it become an infringement of another persons copyright.

The following article, using Pinterest as a  case study offers an insight into the ramifications of copyright and social media.

Monday, 9 November 2015

What to expect from libraries in the 21st century: Pam Sandlian Smith at...

Social Media Etiquette & Behaviour

While most of us are aware how to behave when dealing with face to face contact, social media etiquette is a relative new concept and involves different sets of rules for the different platforms. There is also the added difficulty of miscommunication and misunderstanding. In on line dealings we don't have the benefit of body language and facial expressions that can help us interpret intent.  
Social Media Etiquette is a guideline on how to behave properly  while online and the link below has a great guide to the "unspoken rules for the most popular social networks." 

Just remember to ask yourself "Would you do what you do online in real life?"

Libraries using Facebook

This is a great blog that discusses various reasons libraries use Facebook and the positive and educational value that comes from that use.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Privacy? What Privacy?

Every time you do a Google search, every time you check in on Facebook, every tweet you make someone is watching you.

How much did you reveal about yourself online today and does it really matter?

The Red Queen effect is alive and well in cyberland. As the Queen said to Alice "It takes all the running you can do to keep in place". However, in all that running to keep up, what are we leaving behind, what are we letting go. Are our digital identities starting to overshadow our physical identities?

Privacy and on line security are issues we need to be aware of. We need to keep up with changes and make sure we are aware of what we are accepting when we  click accept and what and to whom we are giving our personal information to.

The Australian Government's Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website has useful information and FAQ's when searching for privacy issue answers.

Friday, 16 October 2015

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” ― Meister Eckhart

Hi everyone,
and welcome to my library studies, social media blog. This really is a new beginning for me. I last studied/sat in a classroom 32 years ago and quite a few things have changed. Computers were still on the horizon and although I've become fairly adept in using them (on a needs basis) over the years I'm very much a novice in regards to social media and all that it involves.
So, its with great excitement, trepidation and just a bit of fear I set forward into this brave new world.